2021. The Divide Over Independence: Explaining Preferences for Secession in an Advanced Democracy (with Didac Queralt), American Journal of Political Science, 65(2): 422-442.
2019. Economic Crisis and National Attitudes: Experimental Evidence from Spain (with Guillem Rico), Ethnic and Racial Studies, 42(5): 820-837.
2018. Identities in Between: Political Conflict and Ethno-National Identities in Multicultural States (with Aina Gallego), Journal of Conflict Resolution, 62(6): 1314-1339.
2016. Podemos and Ciudadanos Shake Up the Spanish Party System. The 2015 Local and Regional Elections in Spain (with Toni Rodon), South European Society and Politics, 21(3): 339-357.
2016. Word on the Street: the Persistence of Leftist-Dominated Protest in Europe (with Toni Rodon and Mariano Torcal), West European Politics, 39 (2): 326-350.
2015. Crafting Identities in a Multinational Context. Evidence from Catalonia, Nations and Nationalism, 21 (3): 461-482.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
2020. "National and Regional Identities" in Ignacio Lago and Diego Muro (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
In Spanish
2021. “Autodeterminaciónn e Independencia desde la Ciencia Política Comparada. Libro Home- naje al profesor Dr. Joan J. Queralt Jiménez” (with Didac Queralt) in Santana Vega, D. et al. (eds.), Una perspectiva Global del Derecho Penal. Barcelona: Atelier Libros Jurídicos.
2011. “España en las Urnas: Territorialización del Voto y Movilización de la Identidad Nacional Española en las Elecciones de 2008” (with Eduard Bonet and Santiago Pérez-Nievas) in José Ramón Montero and Ignacio Lago (eds.) Elecciones Generales 2008. Madrid: CIS.
Reviews of Books
2020. Review of “Partitions. A Transnational History of Twentieth-Century Territorial Separatism.” Edited by Arie M. Dubnov and Laura Robson. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2019, in Ethnic and Racial Studies. First Published June 2, 2020.
2018. Review of “Metaphors of Spain: Representations of Spanish National Identity in the Twentieth Century.” Edited by Javier Moreno-Luzón and Xosé M. Nuñez-Seixas. New York, Oxford. Berghahn Books. In Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 43(1), Article 25.